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예상 가치
$ 667
〓 ₩ 790,034 원 (칠십만구만삼십사 원)
   최종 업데이트: 19th April 2018 10:06:02 AM

Netflix 매니아 이세요? 넷플릭스 평점 커뮤니티로 놀러오세요!

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기본 정보

Meta 태그 정보
설명 The Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) create a specification and sponsors an open source project to unlock the massive opportunity in the IoT market, accelerating industry innovation and helping developers and companies create solutions that map to a single open specification. The OCF’s vision for IoT is that billions of connected devices (devices, phones, computers and sensors) will communicate with one another regardless of manufacturer, operating system, chipset or transport. With the OCF fulfilling this promise, anyone – from a large technology company to a maker in their garage – can adopt the open standards of OCF to innovate and compete, helping ensure secure interoperability for consumers, business, and industry.
키워드 No Keywords
도메인 수명 3 ë…„, 291 일
서버 응답 0.20 Sec

웹사이트 트래픽 정보

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인기 국가 순위 399847

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서비스 결과
Backlinks 82
Mozrank Checker 6.38
Page Authority Score 75.17
Domain Authority Score 69.86

SNS 통계




Netflix 매니아 이세요? 넷플릭스 평점 커뮤니티로 놀러오세요!

호스팅 정보

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